Insights & Analysis
Policy reports
“Decoding Intentions: Artificial Intelligence and Costly Signals” (lead author),
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, October 2023.
“Headline or Trend Line? Evaluating Chinese-Russian Collaboration in AI” (co-lead author),
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, August 2021.
“Contending Frames: Evaluating Rhetorical Dynamics in AI,” (lead author),
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, May 2021.
“Mainframes: A Provisional Analysis of Rhetorical Frames in Artificial Intelligence” (lead author),
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, August 2020.
“Competitive Strategies for Democracy in the Age of AI,” Alliance for Securing Democracy,
German Marshall Fund, June 2020.
“Untangling the Web: Why the United States Needs Allies to Defend Against Chinese Technology Transfer” (co-author),
China Global Series, Brookings Institution, April 2020.
“Agile Alliances: How the United States and its Allies Can Deliver a Democratic Way of AI” (lead author),
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, February 2020.
“The Question of Comparative Advantage in Artificial Intelligence: Enduring Strengths and Emerging Challenges for the United States” (co-author), Center for Security and Emerging Technology, January 2020.
“AI Safety, Security and Stability Among Great Powers: Options, Challenges, and Lessons Learned for Pragmatic Engagement” (co-author),
Center for Security and Emerging Technology, December 19, 2019.
“Central Asia and the Transition in Afghanistan” (co-author), Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 2011.
“Evaluating U.S. Foreign Assistance to Afghanistan” (co-author), Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 2011.
“UN Resolution 1325: More Action Needed” (co-author), Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 2010.
“NATO and the Afghan Insurgency: Looking Ahead to Bucharest,” Occasional Papers on International Security Policy,
British American Security Information Council, 2008.
Opinion pieces and review essays
“Democracy Must Empower a Biotech Future for All” (co-author), Lawfare, November 20, 2022.
“Privacy is Power: How Tech Policy Can Bolster Democracy,” Foreign Affairs, January 19, 2022.
“Mapping America’s Recovery,” Yale University Press (blog), September 2, 2020.
“Great Powers Must Talk to Each Other About AI,” co-author, Defense One, January 28, 2020.
“Mapping the Terrain: AI Governance and the Future of Power,” Survival, December 17, 2019.
“Artificial Intelligence Meets Bureaucratic Politics,” War on the Rocks, August 2019.
“Why I Study the Humanities,” On Being, May 2, 2017.
“What’s Wrong with the European Union and How to Fix It” (Simon Hix, London: Polity Press, 2008), Review Essay,
Yale Journal of International Affairs 5 (Winter 2010): 128-133.
“Between Policy and Principle: An Exploration of the Role of Human Rights in International Law,” Dartmouth Law Journal,
Vol. 4, Issue 1, (Winter 2006): 53-59.